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Found 79003 results for any of the keywords austin massage clinic. Time 0.009 seconds.
Ashiatsu Massage | Japanese Barefoot Massage TechniquesAshiatsu massage utilizes deep pressure and flowing strokes delivered by the practitioner s feet, transforming pain into a harmoniously natural state.
Swedish and Relaxation Massage | Sensory AwarenessSwedish Massage is beneficial for relaxing the entire body. It is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage.
Sports Massage Austin| Improved Recovery PerformanceSports massage includes a variety of methods to assist athletes of all levels. It improves performance and flexibility, while helping to prevent injury.
Corrective Massage Treatment | Posture Body AlignmentCorrective Massage corrects imbalances by lengthening and strengthening the muscles. It returns strength and functionality and restores balance to the body
Pregnancy Massage - Techniques and Benefit| MaternityPregnancy Massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of mother-to-be as her body goes through dramatic changes preparing for labor.
Deep Tissue Massage - Purpose, Goals and TreatmentDeep Tissue Massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It helps release chronic patterns of tension in the body.
Austin Massage Clinic - Healing Hands, Compassionate Hearts IntuitivHealing Hands, Compassionate Hearts Intuitive Minds
Massage Benefits | Austin Massage Therapy Benefits Massage therapy helps you relax, re-align and rejuvenate. It s benefits out way various other alternative health therapies. It is a necessity. Contact us.
Acute Low Back Pain | Musculoskeletal TreatmentAcute Low Back Pain refers to stiffness, decreased movement of the lower back, and difficulty standing associated with pain that felt in the lower back.
Carpal and Cubital Syndrome | Entrapment NeuropathyCarpal and Cubital Syndrome are conditions where the ulnar nerve is trapped or pinched due to physiological abnormalities. These are helped by massage.
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